| |
| java.lang.Object soif.RDMHeader
RDMHeader | public class RDMHeader (Code) | | Package RDM headers.
This class package RDM Header information for easy management,
validation and passing to other classes.
It also manages RDM return header checking for errors.
The many of the descriptions included in this document have been
copied from the RDM spec.
See the RDM spec for more information.
version: 1.01 |
Constructor Summary | |
public | RDMHeader(String RDM_Version, int RDM_Type, int RDM_Query_Language) Constructor for required attributes only. | public | RDMHeader(String RDM_Version, int RDM_Type, int RDM_Query_Language, CSID Compass_Service_ID, String RDM_Response_Interpret, String RDM_Error_Message) Constructor for required and optinal attributes. | public | RDMHeader(SOIF soif) Constructor for RDM Header received as SOIF. |
QL_VERITY | final public static int QL_VERITY(Code) | | RDM Query Language: Verity.
Query follows the conventions of the Verity IR query language.
RD_REQUEST | final public static int RD_REQUEST(Code) | | RDM-Type: RD-Request.
Request to send RD's based on given query.
RD_REQUEST_DELETED | final public static int RD_REQUEST_DELETED(Code) | | RDM-Type: RD-Request-Deleted.
Request to send RD's have been deleted based on given query.
RD_RESPONSE | final public static int RD_RESPONSE(Code) | | RDM-Type: RD-Response
Contains RD's.
RD_RESPONSE_DELETED | final public static int RD_RESPONSE_DELETED(Code) | | RDM-Type: RD-Response-Deleted.
Contains RD's which should be deleted.
SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST | final public static int SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST(Code) | | RDM-Type: Schema-Description-Request.
Request to send the schema definition.
SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE | final public static int SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE(Code) | | RDM-Type: Schema-Description-Response.
Contains the schema definition.
SERVER_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST | final public static int SERVER_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST(Code) | | RDM-Type: Server-Description-Request.
Request to send the server description.
SERVER_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE | final public static int SERVER_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE(Code) | | RDM-Type: Sever-Description-Response.
Contains the server description.
STATUS_REQUEST | final public static int STATUS_REQUEST(Code) | | RDM-Type: Status-Request.
Request to send status message - used to test existence.
STATUS_RESPONSE | final public static int STATUS_RESPONSE(Code) | | RDM-Type: Status-Response.
Contains general status information about the result of the request.
TAXONOMY_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST | final public static int TAXONOMY_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST(Code) | | RDM-Type: Taxonomy-Description-Request.
Request to send the taxonomy description.
TAXONOMY_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE | final public static int TAXONOMY_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE(Code) | | RDM-Type: Taxonomy-Description-Response.
Contains the taxonomy description.
RDMHeader | public RDMHeader(String RDM_Version, int RDM_Type, int RDM_Query_Language)(Code) | | Constructor for required attributes only.
Parameters: RDM_Version - RDM version string Parameters: RDM_Type - RDM type Parameters: RDM_Query_Language - RDM query language |
RDMHeader | public RDMHeader(String RDM_Version, int RDM_Type, int RDM_Query_Language, CSID Compass_Service_ID, String RDM_Response_Interpret, String RDM_Error_Message)(Code) | | Constructor for required and optinal attributes.
Parameters: RDM_Version - RDM version string Parameters: RDM_Type - RDM type Parameters: RDM_Query_Language - RDM query language Parameters: Compass_Service_ID - CSID Parameters: RDM_Response_Interpret - RDM response interpret Parameters: RDM_Error_Message - RDM error message |
RDMHeader | public RDMHeader(SOIF soif)(Code) | | Constructor for RDM Header received as SOIF.
Parameters: soif - SOIF chunk |
addAVPair | public void addAVPair(String attribute, String value)(Code) | | Add an attribute value pair beyond the standard set.
Parameters: attribute - attribute Parameters: value - value |
deleteAVPairs | public void deleteAVPairs()(Code) | | Delete all attribute value pairs beyond the standard set.
documentCount | public int documentCount()(Code) | | The total number of documents.
getRDMErrorMessage | public String getRDMErrorMessage()(Code) | | Return the RDM Error Message (null if there is none).
hitCount | public int hitCount()(Code) | | The number of matching hits.
isValid | public boolean isValid()(Code) | | Is this a valid RDM header?
qlToString | public static String qlToString(int i)(Code) | | Translate query language constant to string.
Parameters: i - query language constant |
resultCount | public int resultCount()(Code) | | The number of results in this response.
stringToQL | public static int stringToQL(String s)(Code) | | Translate string to query language constant.
Parameters: s - string |
stringToType | public static int stringToType(String s)(Code) | | Translate string to rdm type.
Parameters: s - string |
toCGIString | public String toCGIString()(Code) | | Return string in CGI argument format.
typeToString | public static String typeToString(int i)(Code) | | Translate rdm type to string.
Parameters: i - type constant |