Portlet Invoker Factory creates portlet invokers based on the servlet context.
This class is part of the contract between Pluto and the Jetspeed Portal as defined
in the interfaces under org.apache.pluto.factory
The Pluto container uses portlet invokers to abstract access to portlets.
An invoker interfaces defines which actions are performed between the portal and container,
namely action, render and optionally load. Portlet invoker factories are implemented by
the portal implementation. The Pluto container uses pluggable portlet invoker factories
in order to get portlet invokers, and then invoke methods on portlets (render, action, load).
The Portlet Invoker Factory is a Pluto factory. Pluto defines a basic lifecycle for Pluto
factory services in the org.apach.pluto.factory.Factory interface with
standard init and destroy methods.
The Jetspeed portlet invoker factory supports two kinds of invokers: local and servlet.
Local portlet invokers call portlets located in the same web applications.
With local invokers, a simple java method invocation is called on the portlet.
Servlet portlet invokers call portlets located in another web application.
With servlet invokers, the servlet request dispatcher is used to call methods on the portlet.
author: David Sean Taylor version: $Id: PortletInvokerFactoryImpl.java 517124 2007-03-12 08:10:25Z ate $ |