Method Summary |
public Coordinate | add(Fragment fragment, Coordinate coordinate) Add a portlet to its managed page. |
public Fragment | getFragmentAtNewCoordinate(Coordinate coordinate) Retrieve a portlet fragment for the given coordinate.
Parameters: coordinate - the coordinate associated to a fragment. |
public Fragment | getFragmentAtOldCoordinate(Coordinate coordinate) Retrieve the old portlet fragment for the given coordinate (prior to placement).
Parameters: coordinate - the coordinate associated to a fragment. |
public Fragment | getFragmentById(String fragmentId) Retrieve a fragment by fragment id.
Parameters: fragmentId - a string key for a fragment managed on this layout. |
public int | getNumberColumns() retrieve the number of columns for the managed layout. |
public int | getNumberRows(int column) retrieve the number of rows for the managed layout at the given column. |
public Coordinate | moveAbsolute(Fragment fragment, Coordinate coordinate) Move a portlet fragment to a new absolute position as specified in the Coordinate parameter. |
public Coordinate | moveAbsolute(Fragment fragment, Coordinate coordinate, boolean addFragment) Move a portlet fragment to a new absolute position as specified in the Coordinate parameter.
Parameters: fragment - The fragment to be moved. Parameters: coordinate - The specification of the new absolute coordinate Parameters: addFragment - When true, the fragment is being added (i.e. |
public Coordinate | moveDown(Fragment fragment) Move a portlet relative to its current position DOWN one row.
Parameters: fragment - The fragment to be moved. |
public Coordinate | moveLeft(Fragment fragment) Move a portlet relative to its current position LEFT one column.
Parameters: fragment - The fragment to be moved. |
public Coordinate | moveRight(Fragment fragment) Move a portlet relative to its current position RIGHT one column.
Parameters: fragment - The fragment to be moved. |
public Coordinate | moveUp(Fragment fragment) Move a portlet relative to its current position UP one row.
Parameters: fragment - The fragment to be moved. |
public Coordinate | remove(Fragment fragment) Remove the specified fragment. |
public Page | syncPageFragments() Takes the internal portlet placement state and writes it back
out to the root fragment for the managed page layout. |