Method Summary |
public int | compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) |
public boolean | getAscendingOrder() |
public int | getBottom() This method returns the last index of the row in the window displayed. |
public List | getResultSet() This method returns the result set. |
public int | getResultSetSize() This method returns the number of rows in the result set. |
public List | getResultSetTitleList() This method returns the List containg the column labels of the result
set. |
public List | getResultSetTypesList() This method returns the List containg the column type names of the result
set. |
public int | getTop() This method returns the index of the row to which the cursor is pointing
at. |
public int | getWindowSize() This method returns the window size. |
public boolean | hasNext() |
public Object | next() |
public void | remove() Logs as info - since remove operation is not supported by this Iterator. |
public void | setTop(int start) This method points the cursor to the index provided. |
public void | sort(String columnName) This method sorts the result set according to the value of the column as
specified by the parameter column name. |