| javax.swing.JApplet com.nabhinc.portlet.wsadmin.SOAPMonitorApplet
SOAPMonitorApplet | public class SOAPMonitorApplet extends JApplet (Code) | | This is a SOAP Mointor Applet class. This class provides
the user interface for displaying data from the SOAP
monitor service.
author: Brian Price (pricebe@us.ibm.com) |
Inner Class :class SOAPMonitorData | |
Inner Class :class SOAPMonitorTextArea extends JTextArea | |
SOAP_MONITOR_REQUEST | final public static int SOAP_MONITOR_REQUEST(Code) | | |
SOAP_MONITOR_RESPONSE | final public static int SOAP_MONITOR_RESPONSE(Code) | | |
SOAPMonitorApplet | public SOAPMonitorApplet()(Code) | | Constructor
destroy | public void destroy()(Code) | | Applet cleanup
init | public void init()(Code) | | Applet initialization
start | public void start()(Code) | | Applet is being displayed