Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | Loads classes and resources from installed CARs via the CarResources class.
If classes are visible via the parent class loader then they will be used
in place of those in the CARs. | | Class | Provides access to resources stored in channel archive files or CARs for
short. | | Class | Class to handle incoming portal requests with specified worker of
"carrsrc". | | Class | Processes all channel definitions located in a CAR and instantiates and
delegates to an inner content handler for each block to do the real work
of publishing. | | Class | Handles the channel-type tags in CAR deployment descriptors enabling
adding of channel types from within CARs automatically. | | Class | The top level SAX event handler that receives event from the SAX parser
when parsing a deployment descriptor. | | Class | Processes the database tag looking for two element that should each
contain a file path suitable for loading via classloader.findResource().
The "tables" tag should point to a file having the appropriate format for
creating tables in the portal's database using DbLoader and hence should be
structured identically to uPortal's default data structure definition file
tables.xml. | | Class | Buffers a single channel definition located in a CAR
channel-definition block and delegates to the chanpub
ChannelPublisher to publish the channel. | | Class | Class to parse the component deployment descriptor causing some tags to
take action during parsing and others to cache information in the
descriptor making it accessible via accessor methods. | | Class | Handles reading the extension tags in the descriptor. | | Class | MimeTypeCache. | | Class | A class for holding parsing context information like the current
path within the XML being parsed and the jarfile whose deployment
descriptor is being parsed. | | Class | Holds onto a set of String path elements to assist with tracking where in
an XML structure SAX processing is currently working. | | Class | Holds a Path object for which it watches and answers true when that
path is seen. | | Class | Handles a "processIf" tag looking for the following attributes and
blocking SAX events from reaching nested tags if the specified
requirements are not met.
fname = the functional name whose version is to be checked
version = value is one of lessThan, greaterThan, lessThanOrEqual,
greaterThanOrEqual, equalTo, or notEqualTo.
major = the revision level major part
minor = the revision level minor part
micro = the revision level micro part
setMajor = optional, the new revision level major part
setMinor = optional, the new revision level minor part
setMicro = optional, the new revision level micro part
The contents of the processIf tag are only processed if the version
of the specified fname matches the requirements as specified in the
version, major, minor, and micro attributes. | | Class | Enables resolving of external resources specified in xsl:import or xsl:include
elements or the document() allowing such resources to also be found
within CARs. | | Class | Handles routing events to a registered set of handlers that each
handles different portions of the descriptors xml tree. | | Class | Handles reading the worker tags in the descriptor. |