Unit test for BasicLocalConnectionContext that tests that the username and
password are passed in correctly with the static data and that the headers
get set on the HttpConnection object.
A SecurityContext that can never be authenticated.
An unauthenticatable security context which a security context factory
may return in the case where its initialization of the security context it was supposed
to return failed.
This is an implementation of a SecurityContext that performs absolutely
NO validation of the Principal but merely caches the claimed password.
We implement this to provide the illusion of single-signon but it comes
with significant risk.
author: Dan Ellentuck, de3@columbia.edu version: $Revision: 42158 $ version: Aggregates IPermissions for a single version: IAuthorizationPrincipal so that the permissions can be version: cached as a unit by the EntityCachingService. version:
version: Separating caching of principals and permissions lets a client keep version: a reference to a principal over time while being guaranteed the version: latest version of its permissions.
This is an implementation of a SecurityContext that merely checks to see
if the user exists in the UP_USERS database table but otherwise presumes
to be pre-authenticated by the context from which it is called.