Method Summary |
public void | channelAdded(LayoutEvent ev) |
public void | channelDeleted(LayoutMoveEvent ev) |
public void | channelMoved(LayoutMoveEvent ev) |
public void | channelUpdated(LayoutEvent ev) |
public void | commitToRenderingChannelSet() A method to notify ChannelManager that the channel set for
the current rendering cycle is complete. |
public void | finishedRenderingCycle() Clean up after a rendering round. |
public void | finishedSession() |
public void | folderAdded(LayoutEvent ev) |
public void | folderDeleted(LayoutMoveEvent ev) |
public void | folderMoved(LayoutMoveEvent ev) |
public void | folderUpdated(LayoutEvent ev) |
public IChannel | getChannelInstance(String channelSubscribeId) Obtain an instance of a channel. |
public String | getChannelTarget() |
public String | getChannelTitle(String channelSubscribeId) Get the dynamic channel title for a given channelSubscribeID. |
public String | getSerializerName() Sets the serializer name. |
public String | getSubscribeId(String fname) |
public IChannel | instantiateChannel(String channelSubscribeId) Instantiates a channel given just the channel subscribe Id. |
public boolean | isCharacterCaching() Specifies if this particular rendering cycle is using
character caching. |
public static boolean | isUseAnchors() Determines whether or not anchors should be
inserted at the end of URLS within channels. |
public void | layoutLoaded() |
public void | layoutSaved() |
public void | outputChannel(String channelSubscribeId, ContentHandler contentHandler) Outputs a channel in to a given content handler. |
public void | passPortalEvent(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String channelSubscribeId, PortalEvent le) Passes a layout-level event to a channel. |
synchronized void | registerChannelDependency(String listenerChannelSubscribeId, String talkerChannelSubscribeId) |
public void | removeChannel(String channelSubscribeId) Removes channel instance from the internal caches. |
synchronized void | removeChannelDependency(String listenerChannelSubscribeId, String talkerChannelSubscribeId) |
public void | setChannelInstance(String channelSubscribeId, IChannel channelInstance) Directly places a channel instance into the hashtable of active channels. |
public void | setCharacterCaching(boolean setting) Specify that the current rendering cycle should be
using (or not) character caching. |
public void | setLocaleManager(LocaleManager lm) |
public void | setSerializerName(String serializerName) Setter method for the serializer name. |
public void | setUPElement(UPFileSpec uPElement) Specify UPFileSpec object that will be
used to construct file portion of the context path
in the auto-generated URLs, also known as the baseActionURL. |
public void | setUserPreferencesManager(IUserPreferencesManager m) Specify IUserPreferencesManager to use. |
public IChannelRenderer | startChannelRendering(String channelSubscribeId) Initiate channel rendering cycle. |
public void | startRenderingCycle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UPFileSpec uPElement) Signals the start of a new rendering cycle. |