| java.lang.Object org.jasig.portal.services.Authentication
Authentication | public class Authentication (Code) | | Attempts to authenticate a user and retrieve attributes
associated with the user.
author: Ken Weiner, kweiner@unicon.net author: Don Fracapane (df7@columbia.edu) author: Added properties in the security properties file that hold the tokens used to author: represent the principal and credential for each security context. This version author: differs in the way the principal and credentials are set (all contexts are set author: up front after evaluating the tokens). See setContextParameters() also. version: $Revision: 36735 $ version: Changes put in to allow credentials and principals to be defined and held by each version: context. |
getPerson | public IPerson getPerson()(Code) | | Returns an IPerson object that can be used to hold site-specific attributes
about the logged on user. This information is established during
An object that implements theorg.jasig.portal.security.IPerson interface. |
getSecurityContext | public ISecurityContext getSecurityContext()(Code) | | Returns an ISecurityContext object that can be used
later. This object is passed as part of the IChannel Interface.
The security context may be used to gain authorized access to
An object that implements theorg.jasig.portal.security.ISecurityContext interface. |
getUsername | protected String getUsername(IPerson person)(Code) | | Return the username to be used for authorization (exit hook)
Parameters: person - usernmae |
resetEntityIdentifier | protected void resetEntityIdentifier(IPerson person, IPerson newPerson)(Code) | | Reset the entity identifier in the final person object (exit hook)
Parameters: person - Parameters: newPerson - |
setContextParameters | public void setContextParameters(HashMap principals, HashMap credentials, String ctxName, ISecurityContext securityContext, IPerson person)(Code) | | Get the principal and credential for a specific context and store them in
the context.
Parameters: principals - Parameters: credentials - Parameters: ctxName - Parameters: securityContext - Parameters: person - |