| com.jamonapi.Range
All known Subclasses: com.jamonapi.RangeImp,
Range | public interface Range extends JAMonListener(Code) | | Class that contains buckets of time that are tracked within a monitor.
add | public void add(double value)(Code) | | Add a value to the FrequencyDist associated with the value that is passed
getFrequencyDist | public FrequencyDist getFrequencyDist(double value)(Code) | | Return a FrequencyDist associated with the passed in value.
getFrequencyDists | public FrequencyDist[] getFrequencyDists()(Code) | | Return the array of all FrequnceDists in this range
getLogicalOperator | public String getLogicalOperator()(Code) | | Get the logical operator associated with the top end point. Possible values
are < and <=
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | Reset all FrequencyDists associated with this Range