| |
| de.mcs.jmeasurement.jmx.JmxConfigMBean
All known Subclasses: de.mcs.jmeasurement.jmx.JmxConfig,
JmxConfigMBean | public interface JmxConfigMBean (Code) | | MBean interface for the configuration.
author: W.Klaas |
getBackgroundTime | int getBackgroundTime()(Code) | | the configured background time. |
getExceptionHandling | int getExceptionHandling()(Code) | | the type of exception handling. |
getPointIdletime | int getPointIdletime()(Code) | | getting the point idle time for memory saving feature. |
getSnapShotNames | String[] getSnapShotNames()(Code) | | String array with all snapshotnames. |
getWorkingpath | String getWorkingpath()(Code) | | the working path. |
isConfigAutofile | boolean isConfigAutofile()(Code) | | will the config file automatically rereaded. |
isDisableDeviation | boolean isDisableDeviation()(Code) | | is the deviation support disabled. |
isEnableAutosnapshot | boolean isEnableAutosnapshot()(Code) | | is the auto snapshot feature enabled. |
isEnableMeasurement | boolean isEnableMeasurement()(Code) | | is the Measurement system enabled. |
isEnableMemorySavings | boolean isEnableMemorySavings()(Code) | | is the memory saving feature enabled. |
saveHTMLReport | void saveHTMLReport(String filename) throws IOException(Code) | | Parameters: filename - save the html report to the desired filename. throws: IOException - if someting goes wrong. |
setBackgroundTime | void setBackgroundTime(int backgroundTime)(Code) | | Parameters: backgroundTime - setting the background time. |
setConfigAutofile | void setConfigAutofile(boolean configAutofile)(Code) | | Parameters: configAutofile - setting, if the configuration file will be automaticallyrereaded. |
setDisableDeviation | void setDisableDeviation(boolean disableDeviation)(Code) | | Parameters: disableDeviation - disable the deviation support. |
setEnableAutosnapshot | void setEnableAutosnapshot(boolean enableAutosnapshot)(Code) | | Parameters: enableAutosnapshot - enable the auto snapshot feature. |
setEnableMeasurement | void setEnableMeasurement(boolean enableMeasurement)(Code) | | Parameters: enableMeasurement - enable the JMeasurement system. |
setEnableMemorySavings | void setEnableMemorySavings(boolean enableMemorySavings)(Code) | | Parameters: enableMemorySavings - enable the memory saving feature. |
setExceptionHandling | void setExceptionHandling(int exceptionHandling)(Code) | | Parameters: exceptionHandling - setting the exception handling |
setPointIdletime | void setPointIdletime(int pointIdletime)(Code) | | Parameters: pointIdletime - setting the idle time when the measure point will saved.(memory saving feature) |
setWorkingpath | void setWorkingpath(String workingpath)(Code) | | Parameters: workingpath - setting the path, where some files will stored automatically. |
takeSnapShot | void takeSnapShot(String name)(Code) | | taking a new shapshot with the given name.
Parameters: name - name of the snapshot. |