| java.lang.Object org.emforge.projectmanager.web.converter.ProjectIdConverter
ProjectIdConverter | public class ProjectIdConverter implements Converter(Code) | | This Converter is used for selecting Project in selectOneMenu control
author: akakunin |
getAsObject | public Object getAsObject(FacesContext i_context, UIComponent i_component, String i_str) throws ConverterException(Code) | | Converts from id - specified as string to Project
Requested Project readed from ProjectDAO
getAsString | public String getAsString(FacesContext i_context, UIComponent i_component, Object i_obj) throws ConverterException(Code) | | Convert specified project to id
Since SelectItem is not allowed to put null as object,
but we should represent null-project (in case then project is not set for process)
we also proces situation then string directly specified to the SelectItem