| java.lang.Object com.projity.association.AssociationFormatParameters
AssociationFormatParameters | public class AssociationFormatParameters (Code) | | Used to customize the formatting and parsing of associations
encloseInBrackets | boolean encloseInBrackets(Code) | | |
leftAssociation | boolean leftAssociation(Code) | | |
getThisObject | public Object getThisObject()(Code) | | Returns the thisObject. |
isAllowDetailsEntry | public boolean isAllowDetailsEntry()(Code) | | Returns the allowDetailsEntry. |
isEncloseInBrackets | public boolean isEncloseInBrackets()(Code) | | Returns the encloseInBrackets. |
isLeftAssociation | public boolean isLeftAssociation()(Code) | | Returns the leftAssociation. |
setError | public void setError(String error)(Code) | | Parameters: error - The error to set. |