org.apache.turbine.util |
Various utilities used in Turbine and for Turbine based applications.
$Id: package.html 264148 2005-08-29 14:21:04Z henning $
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | | | Class | This class parses the user agent string and sets javasciptOK and
cssOK following the rules described below. | | Class | A fixed length object cache implementing the LRU algorithm. | | Interface | Used by quicksort. | | Class | Utility class to allow the easy inclusion of
images in templates: <img src="$content.getURI("image.jpg")">
author: Cameron Riley author: Jason van Zyl author: Jon S. | | Interface | CookieParser is an interface to a utility to to get and set values
of Cookies on the Client Browser. | | Class | CSVParser is used to parse a stream with comma-separated values and
generate ParameterParser objects which can be used to
extract the values in the desired type. | | Class | Test the CSVParser. | | Class | DataStreamParser is used to parse a stream with a fixed format and
generate ValueParser objects which can be used to extract the values
in the desired type. | | Class | DateSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of
date popup menus. | | Class | This creates a Dynamic URI for use within the Turbine system
If you use this class to generate all of your href tags as well
as all of your URI's, then you will not need to worry about having
session data setup for you or using HttpServletRequest.encodeUrl()
since this class does everything for you.
DynamicURI dui = new DynamicURI (data, "UserScreen" );
dui.setName("Click Here").addPathInfo("user","jon");
The above call to getA() would return the String:
<A HREF="">Click Here</A>
author: Jon S. | | Class | | | Class | Common manipulation routines. | | Class | A message class for holding information about a message that
relates to a specific form and field. | | Class | Used for adding and accessing messages that relate to a specific
form and field. | | Class | | | Class | This class generates a unique 10+ character id. | | Class | This class provides utilities for handling some semi-trivial HTTP stuff that
would othterwise be handled elsewhere. | | Class | Some filter methods that have been orphaned in the Screen class.
author: Dave Bryson author: Henning P. | | Class | A facade class for Turbine Logging
Use this class to conveniently access the system logging facility.
author: Tomasz Zielinski author: | Class | This is where common Object manipulation routines should go.
author: Nissim Karpenstein author: Henning P. | | Interface | ParameterParser is an interface to a utility to handle parsing and
retrieving the data passed via the GET/POST/PATH_INFO arguments.
NOTE: The name= portion of a name=value pair may be converted
to lowercase or uppercase when the object is initialized and when
new data is added. | | Class | QuickSort - adapted from Doug Lea's Public Domain collection
library. | | Class | This creates a Dynamic URI for use within the Turbine system
If you use this class to generate all of your href tags as well
as all of your URI's, then you will not need to worry about having
session data setup for you or using HttpServletRequest.encodeUrl()
since this class does everything for you.
This class generates relative URI's which can be used in environments with
firewalls and gateways for outgoing connections.
RelativeDynamicURI dui = new RelativeDynamicURI (data, "UserScreen" );
dui.setName("Click Here").addPathInfo("user","jon");
The above call to getA() would return the String:
<A HREF="/servlets/Turbine/screen=UserScreen&user=jon">ClickHere</A>
author: David S. | | Interface | RunData is an interface to run-time information that is passed
within Turbine. | | Class | Creates instances of RunData for use within Turbine or 3rd party
author: Ilkka Priha author: Kevin A. | | Class | Utility for doing security checks in Screens and Actions. | | Class | A
java.util.Hashtable whose keys are sequenced. | | Class | Holds basic server information under which Turbine is running.
This class is accessable via the RunData object within the Turbine
system. | | Class | This is where common Servlet manipulation routines should go.
author: Gonzalo Diethelm author: Henning P. | | Class | This class implements a Stack for String objects.
author: John D. | | Class | This is where common String manipulation routines should go.
author: Eric Pugh author: Jon S. | | Class | Used for wrapping system errors (exceptions) that may occur in the
application. | | Class | TimeSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of
time drop-down menus. | | Class | TSVParser is used to parse a stream with tab-separated values and
generate ParameterParser objects which can be used to
extract the values in the desired type. | | Class | Test the CSVParser. | | Class | A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
If you need to use Turbine outside of a servlet container, you can
use this class for initialization of the Turbine servlet.
TurbineConfig config = new TurbineConfig(".", "conf/");
All paths referenced in and the path to
the properties file itself (the second argument) will be resolved
relative to the directory given as the first argument of the constructor,
here - the directory where application was started. | | Class | The base class of all exceptions thrown by Turbine.
It is intended to ease the debugging by carrying on the information
about the exception which was caught and provoked throwing the
current exception. | | Class | This is a base class of runtime exeptions thrown by Turbine.
This class represents a non-checked type exception (see
java.lang.RuntimeException ). | | Class | A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
If you need to use Turbine outside of a servlet container, you can
use this class for initialization of the Turbine servlet.
TurbineXmlConfig config = new TurbineXmlConfig(".", "conf/");
All paths referenced in and the path to
the properties file itself (the second argument) will be resolved
relative to the directory given as the first argument of the constructor,
here - the directory where application was started. | | Interface | ValueParser is a base interface for classes that need to parse
name/value Parameters, for example GET/POST data or Cookies
(ParameterParser and CookieParser)
NOTE: The name= portion of a name=value pair may be converted
to lowercase or uppercase when the object is initialized and when
new data is added. |