| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.GraphBase com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.GraphMemBase
All known Subclasses: com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.SmallGraphMem, com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.faster.GraphMemFaster, com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.GraphMem, com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.MixedGraphMem,
GraphMemBase | abstract public class GraphMemBase extends GraphBase (Code) | | GraphMemBase - a common base class for GraphMem and SmallGraphMem.
Any GraphMemBase maintains a reference count, set to one when it is created,
and incremented by the method openAgain() . When the graph
is closed, the count is decrememented, and when it reaches 0, the tables are
trashed and GraphBase.close() called. Thus in normal use one close is enough,
but GraphMakers using GraphMems can arrange to re-use the same named
author: kers |
Field Summary | |
protected int | count The number-of-times-opened count. | final public TripleStore | store This Graph's TripleStore. |
Method Summary | |
abstract public void | clear() Remove all triples from this graph; used to implement removeAll. | public void | close() Close this graph; if it is now fully closed, destroy its resources and run
the GraphBase close. | abstract protected TripleStore | createTripleStore() | abstract protected void | destroy() Sub-classes over-ride this method to release any resources they no
longer need once fully closed. | public BulkUpdateHandler | getBulkUpdateHandler() | final protected boolean | isSafeForEquality(Triple t) Answer true iff this triple can be compared for sameValueAs by .equals(),
ie, it is a concrete triple with a non-literal object. | public GraphMemBase | openAgain() Note a re-opening of this graph by incrementing the count. |
count | protected int count(Code) | | The number-of-times-opened count.
store | final public TripleStore store(Code) | | This Graph's TripleStore. Visible for read-only purposes only.
GraphMemBase | public GraphMemBase(ReificationStyle style)(Code) | | initialise a GraphMemBase withn its count set to 1.
clear | abstract public void clear()(Code) | | Remove all triples from this graph; used to implement removeAll.
close | public void close()(Code) | | Close this graph; if it is now fully closed, destroy its resources and run
the GraphBase close.
destroy | abstract protected void destroy()(Code) | | Sub-classes over-ride this method to release any resources they no
longer need once fully closed.
isSafeForEquality | final protected boolean isSafeForEquality(Triple t)(Code) | | Answer true iff this triple can be compared for sameValueAs by .equals(),
ie, it is a concrete triple with a non-literal object.
openAgain | public GraphMemBase openAgain()(Code) | | Note a re-opening of this graph by incrementing the count. Answer
this Graph.