| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.n3.AntlrUtils
AntlrUtils | public class AntlrUtils (Code) | | Miscellaneous things in support of Antlr-derived parsers
author: Andy Seaborne version: $Id: AntlrUtils.java,v 1.10 2008/01/02 12:04:49 andy_seaborne Exp $ |
ASTout | public static String ASTout(AST t)(Code) | | Format an AST node and its subnodes. Derived from the antlr code
ast | static void ast(PrintStream out, AST t)(Code) | | Print an AST node (but not its subnodes)
ast | static void ast(Writer w, AST t)(Code) | | Print an AST node (but not its subnodes)