Exception that is thrown when an attept is made to perform a side-effectful
operation on an
RDFList that is the empty list, or rdf:nil .
This is not permissible, since it would cause the URI of the RDFList to change
from rdf:nil to a new bNode, and in Jena the URI of a node is
invariant. To avoid this operation, when extending an empty list use operations
that return the updated list (such as
RDFList.cons , or
RDFList.with ,
or check first to see if the list
, and replace
it with a non-null list.
author: Ian Dickinson, HP Labs author: (email) version: CVS $Id: EmptyListUpdateException.java,v 1.7 2008/01/02 12:05:48 andy_seaborne Exp $ |