| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.dig.test.WebOntTests
WebOntTests | public class WebOntTests (Code) | |
Test harness for running the WebOnt working group tests on the DIG reasoner
interface. This class is derived from Dave's
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.WebOntTestHarness WebOntTestHarness .
author: Ian Dickinson, HP Labs ( email author: ) version: Release @release@ ($Id: eclipse-template.txt,v 1.2 2003/10/20 version: 22:03:02 ian_dickinson Exp $) |
Method Summary | |
protected void | addSubGraph(Resource root, Model premises) Add the reachable sub-graph from root, unless it traverses a predicate
that we might be trying to establish. | public boolean | doRunTest(Resource test) Run a single test of any sort, return true if the test succeeds. | public List | findTestsOfType(Resource testType) | public Model | getDoc(Resource test, Property docType, boolean processImports) Load the premises or conclusions for the test, optional performing
import processing. | public Model | getDoc(Resource test, Property docType) Load the premises or conclusions for the test. | protected void | initResults() Initialize the result model. | protected List | listQueryRoots(Model m) The query roots of are the set of subjects we want to ask the DIG
reasoner about ... | protected Model | loadAllTestDefinitions() | public static Model | loadFile(String file, Model model) Utility to load a file into a model a Model. | public static void | main(String[] args) | public void | runTest(String test) Run a single test of any sort, performing any appropriate logging and
error reporting. | public void | runTest(Resource test) Run a single test of any sort, performing any appropriate logging and
error reporting. | public void | runTests() Run all relevant tests. | public void | runTests(List tests) Run all tests in the given list. | protected boolean | safePremise(Property p) Answer true if p is a property that is safe to add as a premise without
assertng what we are trying to find out. | public boolean | testEntailment(Model conclusions, InfGraph inf) Test a conclusions graph against a result graph. |
ACCEPTABLE_TEST_LEVELS | final public static List ACCEPTABLE_TEST_LEVELS(Code) | | List of acceptable test levels
BASE_RESULTS_URI | public static String BASE_RESULTS_URI(Code) | | The base URI for the results file
BASE_TESTDIR | final public static String BASE_TESTDIR(Code) | | The base directory for the working group test files to use
BASE_URI | public static String BASE_URI(Code) | | The base URI in which the files are purported to reside
BLOCKED_TESTS | final public static String[] BLOCKED_TESTS(Code) | | List of tests that are blocked because they test language features
beyond OWL DL
OTEST_NS | final public static String OTEST_NS(Code) | | The namespace for terms in the owl test ontology
STATUS_FLAGS | final public static String[] STATUS_FLAGS(Code) | | The list of status values to include. If approvedOnly then only the
first entry is allowed
TEST_DIRS | final public static String[] TEST_DIRS(Code) | | The list of subdirectories to process (omits the rdf/rdfs dirs)
UNSAFE_PREMISE_PREDICATES | protected static List UNSAFE_PREMISE_PREDICATES(Code) | | List of predicates we don't want in the premises (because we will try to prove them)
s_approvedOnly | protected static boolean s_approvedOnly(Code) | | Set to true to use approved tests only
s_includeModified | protected static boolean s_includeModified(Code) | | Set to true to include modified test versions
WebOntTests | public WebOntTests()(Code) | | |
addSubGraph | protected void addSubGraph(Resource root, Model premises)(Code) | | Add the reachable sub-graph from root, unless it traverses a predicate
that we might be trying to establish.
Parameters: root - Parameters: premises - |
doRunTest | public boolean doRunTest(Resource test) throws IOException(Code) | | Run a single test of any sort, return true if the test succeeds.
findTestsOfType | public List findTestsOfType(Resource testType)(Code) | | Return a list of all tests of the given type, according to the current
getDoc | public Model getDoc(Resource test, Property docType, boolean processImports) throws IOException(Code) | | Load the premises or conclusions for the test, optional performing
import processing.
initResults | protected void initResults()(Code) | | Initialize the result model.
listQueryRoots | protected List listQueryRoots(Model m)(Code) | | The query roots of are the set of subjects we want to ask the DIG
reasoner about ... we interpret this as every named resource in the given model
loadAllTestDefinitions | protected Model loadAllTestDefinitions()(Code) | | Load all of the known manifest files into a single model
loadFile | public static Model loadFile(String file, Model model) throws IOException(Code) | | Utility to load a file into a model a Model. Files are assumed to be
relative to the BASE_URI.
Parameters: file - the file name, relative to baseDir the loaded Model |
runTest | public void runTest(String test)(Code) | | Run a single test of any sort, performing any appropriate logging and
error reporting.
runTest | public void runTest(Resource test)(Code) | | Run a single test of any sort, performing any appropriate logging and
error reporting.
runTests | public void runTests()(Code) | | Run all relevant tests.
runTests | public void runTests(List tests)(Code) | | Run all tests in the given list.
safePremise | protected boolean safePremise(Property p)(Code) | | Answer true if p is a property that is safe to add as a premise without
assertng what we are trying to find out. Properties ruled out by this
test are owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty, etc.
Parameters: p - A property to test True if p is safe to add to the premises |
testEntailment | public boolean testEntailment(Model conclusions, InfGraph inf)(Code) | | Test a conclusions graph against a result graph. This works by
translating the conclusions graph into a find query which contains one
variable for each distinct bNode in the conclusions graph.