| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.impl.oldCode.GoalState
GoalState | public class GoalState (Code) | | Represents the state in a traversal of all the solutions of a
given goal. This will traverse, in turn, all the matches in the
underlying triple stores, all the memoized results currently in
the GoalTable and then all the additional results which can be
found by turns of the goal Generator crank, until the goal (or the
whole derivation) is complete.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.8 $ on $Date: 2008/01/02 12:09:45 $ |
Method Summary | |
public void | close() Close the GoalState, closing any still active iterators. | public boolean | couldProcess() Return true if there seems to be at least one new result available or if
this can be stripped off the agenda because it has failed. | public GoalResults | getGoalResultsEntry() | public Object | next() Return the next available result for this goal. | public String | toString() |
solutionPointer | protected int solutionPointer(Code) | | The index of the next memoized solution to return
tripleMatches | protected ClosableIterator tripleMatches(Code) | | An iterator over the matching triples in the stores
GoalState | public GoalState(ClosableIterator tripleMatches, GoalResults results)(Code) | | Constructor. Create a GoalState which can traverse all the
matches to a goal over a set of raw data plus derivations.
Parameters: tripleMatches - an interation over the raw data results Parameters: results - a GoalResults which gives access to memoizedresults for this goal together with the Generator that canproduce additional results |
close | public void close()(Code) | | Close the GoalState, closing any still active iterators.
couldProcess | public boolean couldProcess()(Code) | | Return true if there seems to be at least one new result available or if
this can be stripped off the agenda because it has failed.
getGoalResultsEntry | public GoalResults getGoalResultsEntry()(Code) | | Return the GoalResults entry which this state is built in
next | public Object next()(Code) | | Return the next available result for this goal.
a Triple matching the goal if there is another result available, or FAIL if there are known to be no more matches or SUSPEND if there may be more results in the future but current progress is blocked waitingfor other subgoals. |