| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.impl.oldCode.RuleInstance
RuleInstance | public class RuleInstance (Code) | | Part of the backward chaining rule interpreter. A RuleInstance
links an instance of a rule to the GoalResults object for which it is
generating results. It is a simple data structure which is shared amongst
a set of RuleSets to reduce the store turn over needed for RuleState creation.
Encapuslation warning: this object is used in the tight inner loop of the engine so we access its
field pointers directly rather than through accessor methods.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.7 $ on $Date: 2008/01/02 12:09:44 $ |
clausesReordered | protected boolean clausesReordered(Code) | | Set to true if the first two body clauses were reordered for performance
generator | protected GoalResults generator(Code) | | The parent goal table entry which contains this continuation point
rule | protected Rule rule(Code) | | The rule being processed
secondClause | protected int secondClause(Code) | | If the clauses are reordered this contains the index of the second clause
RuleInstance | RuleInstance(GoalResults results, Rule rule, TriplePattern head)(Code) | | Constructor. Create a new continuation point for a rule in
the context of a specific goal represented by the table entry.