| com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.OWLConsistencyTest
OWLConsistencyTest | public class OWLConsistencyTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Utility for checking OWL validation results.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.6 $ |
BASE_DIR | final public static String BASE_DIR(Code) | | The base directory for finding the datafiles
CLEAN | final public static int CLEAN(Code) | | Flag for expected result = no errors ow warnings
INCONSISTENT | final public static int INCONSISTENT(Code) | | Flag for expected result = inconsistent
WARNINGS | final public static int WARNINGS(Code) | | Flag for expected result = consistent but at least 1 warning
abox | protected String abox(Code) | | The abox to be tested, relative to BASE_DIR
culprit | protected Object culprit(Code) | | Optional culprit object, should validate with equals
expected | protected int expected(Code) | | The expected result to check against
tbox | protected String tbox(Code) | | The tbox to be tested, relative to BASE_DIR
OWLConsistencyTest | public OWLConsistencyTest(String tbox, String abox, int expected, Object culprit)(Code) | | Constructor - builds a dummy test which can't be run without setting a
reasoner factory
Parameters: tbox - The tbox to be tested, relative to BASE_DIR Parameters: abox - The abox to be tested, relative to BASE_DIR Parameters: expected - The expected result to check against -INCONSISTENT/WARNINGS/CLEAN Parameters: culprit - Optional culprit object, should validate with equals, set tonull for no test |
runTest | public void runTest()(Code) | | Run the consistency check and validate the result against expectations.
Parameters: rf - The factory for the reasoner to test |
setReasonerFactory | public void setReasonerFactory(ReasonerFactory rf)(Code) | | Define the reasoner to use for the tests.
testResults | public ValidityReport testResults()(Code) | | Run the consistency check, returning a ValidityReport.
Parameters: rf - The factory for the reasoner to test |