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| com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.TestBasics
TestBasics | public class TestBasics extends TestCase (Code) | | Unit tests for simple infrastructure pieces of the rule systems.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.41 $ on $Date: 2008/01/02 12:08:20 $ |
TestBasics | public TestBasics(String name)(Code) | | Boilerplate for junit
suite | public static TestSuite suite()(Code) | | Boilerplate for junit.
This is its own test suite
testAxiomHandling | public void testAxiomHandling()(Code) | | Test axiom handling machinery
testBindingEnvironment | public void testBindingEnvironment()(Code) | | Test the BindingEnvironment machinery
testBuiltins | public void testBuiltins()(Code) | | The the minimal machinery for supporting builtins
testClauseMaching | public void testClauseMaching()(Code) | | Test simple single clause binding
testConvertList | public void testConvertList()(Code) | | Test the list conversion utility that is used in some of the builtins.
testDropBuiltin | public void testDropBuiltin()(Code) | | The the "drop" builtin
testEmbeddedFunctors | public void testEmbeddedFunctors()(Code) | | Test functor handling
testRebind | public void testRebind()(Code) | | Test the rebind operation.
testRemoveBuiltin | public void testRemoveBuiltin()(Code) | | The the "remove" builtin
testRuleDerivations | public void testRuleDerivations()(Code) | | Test derivation machinery
testRuleEquality | public void testRuleEquality()(Code) | | Test rule equality operations.
testRuleMatcher | public void testRuleMatcher()(Code) | | Minimal rule tester to check basic pattern match
testRuleParser | public void testRuleParser()(Code) | | Test the internal rule parser
testSchemaBinding | public void testSchemaBinding()(Code) | | Test schema partial binding machinery
testSize | public void testSize()(Code) | | Test size bug, used to blow up if size was called before any queries.
testValidityReport | public void testValidityReport()(Code) | | Check validity report implementation, there had been a stupid bug here.