01: /*
02: * Copyright Aduna (http://www.aduna-software.com/) (c) 2007.
03: *
04: * Licensed under the Aduna BSD-style license.
05: */
06: package org.openrdf.query;
08: import java.util.Set;
10: import org.openrdf.model.URI;
12: /**
13: * Represents a dataset against which queries can be evaluated. A dataset
14: * consists of a default graph, which is the <a
15: * href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-mt/#defmerge">RDF merge</a> of one or more
16: * graphs, and a set of named graphs. See <a
17: * href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#rdfDataset">SPARQL Query
18: * Language for RDF</a> for more info.
19: *
20: * @author Simon Schenk
21: * @author Arjohn Kampman
22: */
23: public interface Dataset {
25: /**
26: * Gets the default graph URIs of this dataset. An empty set indicates that
27: * the default graph is an empty graph.
28: */
29: public Set<URI> getDefaultGraphs();
31: /**
32: * Gets the named graph URIs of this dataset. An empty set indicates that
33: * there are no named graphs in this dataset.
34: */
35: public Set<URI> getNamedGraphs();
36: }