| org.openrdf.query.Dataset
All known Subclasses: org.openrdf.query.impl.DatasetImpl,
Dataset | public interface Dataset (Code) | | Represents a dataset against which queries can be evaluated. A dataset
consists of a default graph, which is the RDF merge of one or more
graphs, and a set of named graphs. See SPARQL Query
Language for RDF for more info.
author: Simon Schenk author: Arjohn Kampman |
getDefaultGraphs | public Set<URI> getDefaultGraphs()(Code) | | Gets the default graph URIs of this dataset. An empty set indicates that
the default graph is an empty graph.
getNamedGraphs | public Set<URI> getNamedGraphs()(Code) | | Gets the named graph URIs of this dataset. An empty set indicates that
there are no named graphs in this dataset.