| org.openrdf.sail.InferencingTest
InferencingTest | public class InferencingTest extends TestCase (Code) | | |
TEST_DIR_PREFIX | final public static String TEST_DIR_PREFIX(Code) | | |
isPositiveTest | protected boolean isPositiveTest(Code) | | |
InferencingTest | public InferencingTest(String name, Sail sailStack, String inputData, String outputData, boolean isPositiveTest)(Code) | | Creates a new inferencing test. This test can either be positive or
negative. For positive tests, all triples from outputData
should be present in the triples returned by the supplied
RdfSchemaRepository after the triples from intputData have been
added to it. For negative tests, none of the triples from
outputData should be present in the returned triples.
Parameters: name - The name of the test. Parameters: rss - The RdfSchemaRepository to test. Parameters: inputData - The URL of the (N-Triples) data containing the triples that shouldbe added to the RdfSchemaRepository. Parameters: outputData - The URL of the (N-Triples) data containing the triples that shouldor should not (depending on the value of isPositiveTestbe present in the statements returned by the RdfSchemaRepository. Parameters: isPositiveTest - Flag indicating whether this is a positive or a negativeinferencing test; true for a positive test,false for a negative test. |
suite | public static Test suite(Sail sailStack)(Code) | | |