Method Summary |
public Color | getColor(int index) Returns the color at the given index in the list of LightDefinition entries.
Parameters: index - the position of the entry that should be queried. |
public Color[] | getColor() Returns all colors defined in this function mapped to their respective position. |
public int | getColorCount() Returns the number of LightDefinitions defined in this function. |
public Color | getDefaultColor() Returns the default color that is used if none of the limits applies. |
public String | getField() Returns the field used by the function. |
public Expression | getInstance() Return a completly separated copy of this function. |
public Number | getLimit(int index) Returns the numerical limit at the given index in the list of LightDefinition entries.
Parameters: index - the position of the entry that should be queried. |
public Number[] | getLimit() Returns all numerical limits defined in this function mapped to their respective position. |
public int | getLimitCount() Returns the number of LightDefinitions defined in this function. |
public boolean | isDefineBackground() Returns whether the computed color is applied to the foreground or background of the element. |
public boolean | isUseAbsoluteValue() Defines, whether all negative limits should be made positive, by calling 'Math.abs'. |
public boolean | isUseOppositeLogic() Returns whether limits specify the lower or the upper boundary of a range. |
protected void | processRootBand(Band b) Process the given band and color the named element of that band if it exists. |
public void | setColor(int index, Color color) Updates the color at the given index in the list of LightDefinition entries. |
public void | setColor(Color[] colors) Updates all colors defined in this function mapped to their respective position. |
public void | setDefaultColor(Color defaultColor) Defines the default color that is used if none of the limits applies. |
public void | setDefineBackground(boolean defineBackground) Defines whether the computed color is applied to the foreground or background of the element. |
public void | setField(String field) Sets the field name for the function. |
public void | setLimit(int index, Number value) Updates the numerical limit at the given index in the list of LightDefinition entries. |
public void | setLimit(Number[] limits) Updates all numerical limits defined in this function mapped to their respective position. |
public void | setUseAbsoluteValue(boolean useAbsoluteValue) Defines, whether all negative limits should be made positive, by calling 'Math.abs'. |
public void | setUseOppositeLogic(boolean useOppositeLogic) Defines whether limits specify the lower or the upper boundary of a range. |