| |
| java.lang.Object org.pentaho.data.connection.sql.SQLResultSet
SQLResultSet | public class SQLResultSet implements IPentahoResultSet(Code) | | author: wseyler author: TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates |
beforeFirst | public void beforeFirst()(Code) | | |
close | public void close()(Code) | | |
closeConnection | public void closeConnection()(Code) | | |
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
getColumnCount | public int getColumnCount()(Code) | | Returns the column count from the result set.
the column count. |
getDataColumn | public Object[] getDataColumn(int column)(Code) | | |
getMetaData | public IPentahoMetaData getMetaData()(Code) | | |
getRowCount | public int getRowCount()(Code) | | Get a rowCount from the resultset. If the resultset
the row count. |
getValueAt | public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)(Code) | | Returns the value of the specified row and the specified column from within the resultset.
Parameters: row - the row index. Parameters: column - the column index. the value. |
isScrollable | public boolean isScrollable()(Code) | | |
memoryCopy | public IPentahoResultSet memoryCopy()(Code) | | |
next | public Object[] next()(Code) | | (non-Javadoc)
See Also: org.pentaho.connection.IPentahoResultSet.next See Also: returns null if no more rows throws: SQLResultSetException - |
setMetaData | public void setMetaData(IPentahoMetaData metadata)(Code) | | |