| java.lang.Object org.pentaho.designstudio.controls.ActionInputCombo
ActionInputCombo | public class ActionInputCombo implements IActionSequenceControl,ModifyListener,SelectionListener(Code) | | An action definition input editor that is backed by an SWT combo box.
author: Angelo Rodriguez |
Inner Class :class InputNameComparator implements Comparator | |
Constructor Summary | |
public | ActionInputCombo(Composite parent, Object layoutData) Parameters: toolkit - the toolkit being used to create UI components Parameters: parent - the parent control Parameters: layoutData - the check box layout data. |
actionDefinition | protected ActionDefinition actionDefinition(Code) | | |
combo | protected Combo combo(Code) | | |
dropTarget | DropTarget dropTarget(Code) | | |
removeInputWhenNoValue | boolean removeInputWhenNoValue(Code) | | |
ActionInputCombo | public ActionInputCombo(Composite parent, Object layoutData)(Code) | | Parameters: toolkit - the toolkit being used to create UI components Parameters: parent - the parent control Parameters: layoutData - the check box layout data. Can be null. |
getActionDefinition | public ActionDefinition getActionDefinition()(Code) | | The action definition whose input is being managed. |
getControl | public Control getControl()(Code) | | |
getInputName | public String getInputName()(Code) | | The name of the action definition input being managed. |
getInputTypes | public String[] getInputTypes()(Code) | | the input types supported by this input. |
getRemoveInputWhenNoValue | public boolean getRemoveInputWhenNoValue()(Code) | | |
modifyText | public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e)(Code) | | |
performDrop | protected void performDrop(AbstractIOElement io)(Code) | | |
refresh | public void refresh()(Code) | | |
setDefaultConstants | public void setDefaultConstants(String[] defaultConstants)(Code) | | Sets a list of constant values the user can choose from.
Parameters: defaultConstants - The list. |
setRemoveInputWhenNoValue | public void setRemoveInputWhenNoValue(boolean removeInputWhenNoValue)(Code) | | |
setTargetInput | public void setTargetInput(ActionDefinition actionDefinition, String inputName, String type)(Code) | | Sets the target action definition input.
Parameters: actionDefinition - the action definition being managed. Parameters: inputName - the name of the input within the action definition Parameters: type - the data type supported by this input |
setTargetInput | public void setTargetInput(ActionDefinition actionDefinition, String inputName, String[] types)(Code) | | Sets the target action definition input.
Parameters: actionDefinition - the action definition being managed. Parameters: inputName - the name of the input within the action definition Parameters: types - the data types supported by this input |
updateActionSequence | public void updateActionSequence()(Code) | | |
updateAvailActionInputs | protected void updateAvailActionInputs()(Code) | | |
widgetDefaultSelected | public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e)(Code) | | |
widgetSelected | public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e)(Code) | | |