| org.drools.eclipse.dsl.editor.DSLEditor
DSLEditor | public class DSLEditor extends EditorPart (Code) | | This is the tablular DSL configuration editor.
author: Michael Neale |
createPartControl | public void createPartControl(Composite parent)(Code) | | |
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
doSave | public void doSave(IProgressMonitor monitor)(Code) | | |
doSaveAs | public void doSaveAs()(Code) | | |
init | public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput editorInput) throws PartInitException(Code) | | |
isDirty | public boolean isDirty()(Code) | | |
isSaveAsAllowed | public boolean isSaveAsAllowed()(Code) | | |
makeClean | void makeClean()(Code) | | |
makeDirty | void makeDirty()(Code) | | Sets the dirty flag, and notifies the workbench.
setFocus | public void setFocus()(Code) | | |
sortModel | public void sortModel()(Code) | | The method sorts th e