| org.apache.commons.math.analysis.SplineInterpolatorTest
SplineInterpolatorTest | public class SplineInterpolatorTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Test the SplineInterpolator.
version: $Revision: 201916 $ $Date: 2005-06-26 15:25:41 -0700 (Sun, 26 Jun 2005) $ |
coefficientTolerance | protected double coefficientTolerance(Code) | | error tolerance for interpolating polynomial coefficients
interpolationTolerance | protected double interpolationTolerance(Code) | | error tolerance for interpolated values -- high value is from sin test
knotTolerance | protected double knotTolerance(Code) | | error tolerance for spline interpolator value at knot points
SplineInterpolatorTest | public SplineInterpolatorTest(String name)(Code) | | |
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | |
testInterpolateLinear | public void testInterpolateLinear() throws Exception(Code) | | |
testInterpolateLinearDegenerateThreeSegment | public void testInterpolateLinearDegenerateThreeSegment() throws Exception(Code) | | |
testInterpolateLinearDegenerateTwoSegment | public void testInterpolateLinearDegenerateTwoSegment() throws Exception(Code) | | |
verifyConsistency | protected void verifyConsistency(PolynomialSplineFunction f, double x) throws Exception(Code) | | Verifies that interpolating polynomials satisfy consistency requirement:
adjacent polynomials must agree through two derivatives at knot points
verifyInterpolation | protected void verifyInterpolation(UnivariateRealFunction f, double x, double y) throws Exception(Code) | | verifies that f(x[i]) = y[i] for i = 0..n-1 where n is common length.