| org.apache.commons.math.distribution.FDistribution
All known Subclasses: org.apache.commons.math.distribution.FDistributionImpl,
getDenominatorDegreesOfFreedom | double getDenominatorDegreesOfFreedom()(Code) | | Access the denominator degrees of freedom.
the denominator degrees of freedom. |
getNumeratorDegreesOfFreedom | double getNumeratorDegreesOfFreedom()(Code) | | Access the numerator degrees of freedom.
the numerator degrees of freedom. |
setDenominatorDegreesOfFreedom | void setDenominatorDegreesOfFreedom(double degreesOfFreedom)(Code) | | Modify the denominator degrees of freedom.
Parameters: degreesOfFreedom - the new denominator degrees of freedom. |
setNumeratorDegreesOfFreedom | void setNumeratorDegreesOfFreedom(double degreesOfFreedom)(Code) | | Modify the numerator degrees of freedom.
Parameters: degreesOfFreedom - the new numerator degrees of freedom. |