Abstract base class for
IntegerDistribution tests.
To create a concrete test class for an integer distribution implementation,
implement makeDistribution() to return a distribution instance to use in
tests and each of the test data generation methods below. In each case, the
test points and test values arrays returned represent parallel arrays of
inputs and expected values for the distribution returned by makeDistribution().
makeDensityTestPoints() -- arguments used to test probability density calculation
makeDensityTestValues() -- expected probability densities
makeCumulativeTestPoints() -- arguments used to test cumulative probabilities
makeCumulativeTestValues() -- expected cumulative probabilites
makeInverseCumulativeTestPoints() -- arguments used to test inverse cdf evaluation
makeInverseCumulativeTestValues() -- expected inverse cdf values
To implement additional test cases with different distribution instances and test data,
use the setXxx methods for the instance data in test cases and call the verifyXxx methods
to verify results.
version: $Revision: 155427 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 06:11:52 -0700 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $ |