Interface defining a real-valued matrix with basic algebraic operations, using
BigDecimal representations for the entries.
Matrix element indexing is 0-based -- e.g., getEntry(0, 0)
returns the element in the first row, first column of the matrix.
version: $Revision: 208875 $ $Date: 2005-07-02 15:38:00 -0700 (Sat, 02 Jul 2005) $
solve(BigMatrix b) Returns a matrix of (column) solution vectors for linear systems with
coefficient matrix = this and constant vectors = columns of
Returns the entries in column number col as an array.
Column indices start at 0. A MatrixIndexException is thrown
unless 0 <= column < columnDimension. Parameters: col - the column to be fetched array of entries in the column throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified column index is not valid
Returns the entries in column number col as an array
of double values.
Column indices start at 0. A MatrixIndexException is thrown
unless 0 <= column < columnDimension. Parameters: col - the column to be fetched array of entries in the column throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified column index is not valid
Returns the entries in column number column
as a column matrix. Column indices start at 0.
Parameters: column - the column to be fetched column matrix throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified column index is invalid
Returns the entry in the specified row and column.
Row and column indices start at 0 and must satisfy
0 <= row < rowDimension
0 <= column < columnDimension
otherwise a MatrixIndexException is thrown.
Parameters: row - row location of entry to be fetched Parameters: column - column location of entry to be fetched matrix entry in row,column throws: MatrixIndexException - if the row or column index is not valid
Returns the entry in the specified row and column as a double.
Row and column indices start at 0 and must satisfy
0 <= row < rowDimension
0 <= column < columnDimension
otherwise a MatrixIndexException is thrown.
Parameters: row - row location of entry to be fetched Parameters: column - column location of entry to be fetched matrix entry in row,column throws: MatrixIndexException - if the row or column index is not valid
Returns the entries in row number row as an array.
Row indices start at 0. A MatrixIndexException is thrown
unless 0 <= row < rowDimension. Parameters: row - the row to be fetched array of entries in the row throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified row index is not valid
Returns the entries in row number row as an array
of double values.
Row indices start at 0. A MatrixIndexException is thrown
unless 0 <= row < rowDimension. Parameters: row - the row to be fetched array of entries in the row throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified row index is not valid
Returns the entries in row number row
as a row matrix. Row indices start at 0.
Parameters: row - the row to be fetched row matrix throws: MatrixIndexException - if the specified row index is invalid
Gets a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated
counting from 0 to n-1.
Parameters: startRow - Initial row index Parameters: endRow - Final row index Parameters: startColumn - Initial column index Parameters: endColumn - Final column index The subMatrix containing the data of thespecified rows and columns exception: MatrixIndexException - if the indices are not valid
Gets a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated
counting from 0 to n-1.
Parameters: selectedRows - Array of row indices. Parameters: selectedColumns - Array of column indices. The subMatrix containing the data in thespecified rows and columns exception: MatrixIndexException - if row or column selections are not valid
Returns the result of postmultiplying this by m.
Parameters: m - matrix to postmultiply by this * m throws: IllegalArgumentException - if columnDimension(this) != rowDimension(m)
Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
Parameters: v - the vector to operate on this*v throws: IllegalArgumentException - if columnDimension != v.size()
Returns the result premultiplying this by m.
Parameters: m - matrix to premultiply by m * this throws: IllegalArgumentException - if rowDimension(this) != columnDimension(m)
Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
Parameters: v - the row vector to premultiply by v*this throws: IllegalArgumentException - if rowDimension != v.size()
Returns the solution vector for a linear system with coefficient
matrix = this and constant vector = b.
Parameters: b - constant vector vector of solution values to AX = b, where A is *this throws: IllegalArgumentException - if this.rowDimension != b.length throws: org.apache.commons.math.linear.InvalidMatrixException - if this matrix is not square or is singular
Returns a matrix of (column) solution vectors for linear systems with
coefficient matrix = this and constant vectors = columns of
Parameters: b - matrix of constant vectors forming RHS of linear systems toto solve matrix of solution vectors throws: IllegalArgumentException - if this.rowDimension != row dimension throws: org.apache.commons.math.linear.InvalidMatrixException - if this matrix is not square or is singular