This package contains the Cougaar
support classes for the {@link
org.cougaar.core.service.ServletService} loaded by the {@link
The "arch" package defines generic APIs and support classes for
the {@link org.cougaar.lib.web.arch.server.ServletEngine} and
"root/leaf" servlets. In Cougaar, the "root" is the node-level
servlet that forwards "/$" requests to local agents or redirects
the client to the appropriate remote host, and the "leaf" is
the per-agent servlet that forwards requests to that agent's
servlets. For example, the path "/$x/y" is received by the {@link
org.cougaar.lib.web.arch.server.ServletEngine}'s "gateway" and
passed to the {@link org.cougaar.lib.web.arch.root.RootServlet},
which sees the "/$x" and forwards to local agent "x"'s {@link
org.cougaar.lib.web.arch.leaf.LeafServlet}, which forwards to that
agent's "/y" servlet.
The "arch" only depends upon "javax.servlet.*"; all the service
details and {@link org.cougaar.lib.web.arch.server.ServletEngine}
implementation are in {@link org.cougaar.lib.web.service}.
For more detail, see the
Cougaar Developers' Guide.