This package defines the Assets and Prototypes for use in the Pizza
These LDM classes are all machine generated by the classes in the Build
module, following the definitions in the two .def files here. See the
Ant "defrunner" target.
The pizza application makes a relatively trivial use of Assets and
Prototypes. It could instead just publish (Serializable) Objects
direct to the Blackboard, rather than going through the process of
creating and using Assets and Prototypes.
There is a Pizza asset (with Meat and/or Veggie PGs possible) used by
Alice to indicate what she is Ordering.
The Kitchen Assets also get a Meat and/or Veggie PG, indicating the
kinds of pizza that they can make.
The Meat and Veggie PGs are trivial - they have no data slots, and are just used as
markers. If the PG is there on the Kitchen, then they can make that
kid of pizza. On the Pizza, they indicate the kind of Pizza being