| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.core.node.QuiescenceState
QuiescenceState | class QuiescenceState (Code) | | The quiescence state of a particular agent
getIncomingEntrySet | public Set getIncomingEntrySet()(Code) | | |
getIncomingMessageNumbers | public Map getIncomingMessageNumbers()(Code) | | |
getOutgoingEntrySet | public Set getOutgoingEntrySet()(Code) | | |
getOutgoingMessageNumbers | public Map getOutgoingMessageNumbers()(Code) | | |
isAlive | public boolean isAlive()(Code) | | Is the agent "alive" - as in, not marked as dead cause its a duplicate
isEnabled | public boolean isEnabled()(Code) | | |
isQuiescent | public boolean isQuiescent()(Code) | | |
setDead | public void setDead()(Code) | | Called when the agent is dead - another instance of the agent elsewhere
is the real instance, and this one should be ignored. Not un-doable.
setEnabled | public void setEnabled(boolean newEnabled)(Code) | | |
setMessageNumbers | public void setMessageNumbers(Map outgoing, Map incoming)(Code) | | |
setQuiescent | public void setQuiescent(boolean isQuiescent, String requestor)(Code) | | |