| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.lib.util.UTILAllocate org.cougaar.glm.util.GLMAllocate
GLMAllocate | public class GLMAllocate extends UTILAllocate (Code) | | This class contains utility functions for allocations.
Method Summary | |
public PlanElement | makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, double cost, double confidence) Provides backword compatibility for next method. | public PlanElement | makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, double confidence) Provides backword compatibility for next method. | public PlanElement | makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, AspectValue[] aspects, double confidence) Provides backword compatibility for next method. | public PlanElement | makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, int[] aspectarray, double[] resultsarray, double confidence) Provides backword compatibility for next method. |
makeAllocation | public PlanElement makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, int[] aspectarray, double[] resultsarray, double confidence)(Code) | | Provides backword compatibility for next method.
Deprecated :
Each plugin should think of the role the assigned asset is
acting in and migrate to using the other version of makeAllocation.
Assigns a default role of TRANSPORTER.
See Also: org.cougaar.planning.ldm.plan.Role |
Methods inherited from org.cougaar.lib.util.UTILAllocate | protected static String ARtoString(int[] aspectTypes, double[] aspectValues)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addQueryResultToAR(PlanElement pe, int aqType, String data)(Code)(Java Doc) public AllocationResult cloneAllocResultAsSuccess(PlanningFactory ldmf, AllocationResult toClone)(Code)(Java Doc) protected AllocationResult createAllocationResult(boolean isSuccess, PlanningFactory ldmf, int[] aspectarray, double[] resultsarray, double confidence)(Code)(Java Doc) public static List enumToList(Enumeration e)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Vector enumToVector(Enumeration e)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean exceedsPreferences(Task t, Date start, Date end, double cost)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean exceedsPreferences(Task t, Date start, Date end)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean exceedsPreferences(Task t, AspectValue[] aspectValues)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean exceedsPreferences(Task t, int[] aspectTypes, double[] aspectValues)(Code)(Java Doc) public AspectValue[] getAspects(Date start, Date end, double cost)(Code)(Java Doc) public AspectValue[] getAspects(Date start, Date end, double cost, long quantity)(Code)(Java Doc) public AspectValue[] getAspectsFromArrays(int[] aspectarray, double[] resultsarray)(Code)(Java Doc) public AspectValue[] getAspectsFromDates(Date start, Date end)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFailedPE(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) public Vector iterToVector(Iterator i)(Code)(Java Doc) public PlanElement makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, double cost, double confidence, Role assignedRole)(Code)(Java Doc) public PlanElement makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, double confidence, Role assignedRole)(Code)(Java Doc) public PlanElement makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, AspectValue[] aspects, double confidence, Role assignedRole)(Code)(Java Doc) public PlanElement makeAllocation(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Plan plan, Task t, Asset asset, int[] aspectarray, double[] resultsarray, double confidence, Role assignedRole)(Code)(Java Doc) public Disposition makeFailedDisposition(UTILPlugin creator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Task t, AllocationResult failedAR)(Code)(Java Doc) public Disposition makeFailedDisposition(UTILPlugin ignoredCreator, PlanningFactory ldmf, Task task)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void print(AspectValue av, Preference pref, double score, AspectScoreRange definedRange, Enumeration validRanges)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String printTypeValue(int type, double value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected double scoreAgainstPreferences(Task t, AllocationResult allocResult)(Code)(Java Doc) public double scoreAgainstPreferences(Task t, Date start, Date end, double cost)(Code)(Java Doc) public double scoreAgainstPreferences(Task t, Date start, Date end)(Code)(Java Doc) public double scoreAgainstPreferences(Task t, AspectValue[] aspectValues)(Code)(Java Doc) public double scoreAgainstPreferences(Task t, int[] aspectTypes, double[] aspectValues)(Code)(Java Doc)