| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.lib.util.UTILPreference org.cougaar.glm.util.GLMPreference
GLMPreference | public class GLMPreference extends UTILPreference (Code) | | This class contains preference-related methods.
Can ask basic questions like ready at, early, best, and latest date for
Can also create an various kinds of preferences.
getPODDate | public Date getPODDate(Task t)(Code) | | Returns the POD Date from task object, null if POD date not a pref on this task
Parameters: t - - the Task with the pref Date point of departure date for task, null if no POD date pref |
getPODLocation | public GeolocLocation getPODLocation(Task t)(Code) | | Returns the POD location from task object, null if POD not a pref on this task
Parameters: t - - the Task with the pref Date point of departure for task, null if no POD pref |
getReportedPODDate | public Date getReportedPODDate(PlanElement pe)(Code) | | Get reported POD date from plan element
makePODDatePreference | public Preference makePODDatePreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date bestDate)(Code) | | What should we do with the weight of the preference?
Should this be set by a policy object?
Note that it uses one day as the slope -- i.e.
a day after the POD date, the pref is exceeded.
makePODPreference | public Preference makePODPreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, GeolocLocation loc)(Code) | | Make a POD preference.
Score increases as distance from best location increases...
This needs work...
What should we do with the weight of the preference?
Should this be set by a policy object?
Methods inherited from org.cougaar.lib.util.UTILPreference | public Date getBestDate(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public double getCost(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getEarlyDate(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) protected UTILEndDateScoringFunction getEndDateSF(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getLateDate(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getPODDate(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference getPrefWithAspectType(Task taskToExamine, int aspect_type)(Code)(Java Doc) public AspectValue getPreferenceBestAspectValue(Preference pref)(Code)(Java Doc) public double getPreferenceBestValue(Preference pref)(Code)(Java Doc) public long getQuantity(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReadyAt(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) public double getReportedAspectValue(PlanElement pe, int aspectType)(Code)(Java Doc) public double getReportedCost(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReportedEndDate(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReportedEndDate(AllocationResult ar)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReportedPODDate(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReportedPODDate(AllocationResult result)(Code)(Java Doc) public long getReportedQuantity(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) public Date getReportedReadyAt(PlanElement pe)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Enumeration getValidEndDateRanges(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Enumeration getValidEndDateRanges(Preference endDatePref)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasPrefWithAspectType(Task taskToExamine, int aspectType)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeCostPreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, double cost)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeEndDateBelowPreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date bestDate)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeEndDatePreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date earlyDate, Date bestDate, Date lateDate)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeEndDatePreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date bestDate)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makePODDatePreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date bestDate)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeQuantityPreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, long quantity)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference makeStartDatePreference(PlanningFactory ldmf, Date readyAtDate)(Code)(Java Doc) public Preference removePrefWithAspectType(Task taskToChange, int aspect_type)(Code)(Java Doc) public void replacePreference(NewTask t, Preference new_pref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Vector replacePreference(Vector old_prefs, Preference new_pref)(Code)(Java Doc)