The Configurator is a utility for producing test configurations of
arbitrary size. When run as a standalone application (which is the most
likely scenario), this class requires an initialization file, which may be
specified on the command line (or else the user will be prompted). The
output, which is placed in the specified destination directory (see below),
consists of directories named cfgAggregator and cfgNoden, where
n ranges from 0 to one less than the number of specified source
Nodes. The former contains the AggregationAgent Node config., and each of
the latter is a source Node configuration. All of these nodes should be
executed as part of a single society for purposes of testing.
The format of the initialization file is as a sequence of parameters given
as "<name>=<value>" pairs. Lines in the file not containing
"=" or starting with "#" are presumed to be comments and are ignored.
Following are the parameters currently recognized by the interpreter:
destination -- the directory into which the output is to be written
aggagentCp -- path to the aggagent.jar file or the compiled aggagent
class files.
nameServer -- the host of the name server. At least one node should
be executed on this host.
windows -- provide support for windows-style run scripts. The value
"yes" indicates that windows scripts should be produced, and any other
value is equivalent to "no". Presently, only windows is supported, and
this parameter is ignored.
linux -- provide support for linux-style run scripts. The value "yes"
indicates that linux scripts should be produced, and any other value is
equivalent to "no". Presently, only windows is supported, and this
parameter is ignored.
shellPath -- in case linux support is turned on, this value is the
path to the script interpreter, e.g., "/bin/csh".
nodes -- the number of Node configurations to be generated
clustersPerNode -- the number of clusters operating on each node
pauseInterval -- a parameter that regulates the amount of work
performed by each Cluster. Literally, this is the amount of time that
the EffortWaster Plugin pauses between updates of the blackboard state.
maxCycles -- another workload regulator. This is the maximum number of
objects to be managed by the EffortWaster Plugin on each Cluster, and
consequently also the number of things that must be transmitted to the