reactToChangedFilter() Called when new, changed, or removed tasks fall into or out of container.
Tells listener about new tasks that are fit to be handled.
public void
reactToRehydrate() Place where you can react to rehydration event.
Called when new, changed, or removed tasks fall into or out of container.
Tells listener about new tasks that are fit to be handled. Checks each
to see if well formed. Only tells listener of well formed tasks.
Has debug to tell how many new tasks have arrived. Also to tell
how many expandable tasks have been removed from container.
See Also:UTILBufferingCallback.isWellFormed
Place where you can react to rehydration event.
If the blackboard says "didRehydrate" then each callback
that is a RehydrateReactor will be called here.
This can happen on an agent move too.
NOTE : The plugin will only look at *unplanned* tasks on rehydration.
I don't think this will cause problems.
Fix for bug #3356:
See Also:org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILPluginAdapter.execute
Fields inherited from org.cougaar.lib.callback.UTILFilterCallbackAdapter