| org.cougaar.lib.quo.performance.assets.SkillsPG
factoryClass | Class factoryClass(Code) | | the factory class *
factoryMethod | String factoryMethod(Code) | | the method of factoryClass that creates this type *
mutableClass | String mutableClass(Code) | | the (mutable) class type returned by factoryMethod *
nullPG | SkillsPG nullPG(Code) | | The Null instance for indicating that the PG definitely has no value *
primaryClass | Class primaryClass(Code) | | the (immutable) class type returned by domain factory *
getSLOCPerDay | int getSLOCPerDay()(Code) | | The average number lines of source code the programmer can produce per day *
getYearsExperience | int getYearsExperience()(Code) | | The number of years the programmer has been coding *