Method Summary |
public void | Test() |
public void | addRefillProjection(Task task) |
public void | addRefillRequisition(Task task) |
protected void | addShortfallPeriods(ShortfallInventory shortfallInv) |
public void | addWithdrawProjection(Task task) |
public void | addWithdrawRequisition(Task task) |
protected void | calculateShortfallPeriod(ShortfallPeriod shortPeriod, List tasks) |
public ShortfallInventory | checkForShortfall(String invID, String unitOfIssue) |
public List | clearRefillProjectionTasks(long now) |
public List | clearRefillTasks(Date now) |
public void | clearTargetLevels(int startBucket) |
public long | convertBucketToTime(int bucket) Convert a bucket (int) into the start time of the bucket. |
public int | convertTimeToBucket(long time, boolean partialBuckets) Convert a time (long) into a bucket of this inventory that can be
used to index duein/out vectors, levels, etc. |
public PGDelegate | copy(PropertyGroup pg) |
protected int | countActualShortfall(List taskList, boolean includeTemps) |
protected int | countProjFailures(List taskList, boolean isDemand, boolean includeTemps) |
public double | getActualDemand(int bucket) |
public Collection | getActualDemandTasks(int bucket) |
public ArrayList | getActualDemandTasksList() |
public long | getArrivalTime() |
public long | getBucketMillis() |
public Schedule | getBufferedCritLevels() |
public Schedule | getBufferedInvLevels() |
public Schedule | getBufferedTargetLevels() |
public double | getCriticalLevel(int bucket) |
public int | getCriticalLevel() |
public HashMap | getCustomerHash() |
public synchronized long | getEffectiveProjectionStart(Task task, long start) Ignore projected demand that occurs before customer switchover day. |
public int | getEndOfLevelSixBucket() |
public boolean | getFailuresFlag() |
public int | getFirstProjectWithdrawBucket() |
public String | getItemName() |
public int | getLastDemandBucket() |
public int | getLastRefillRequisition() |
public int | getLastWithdrawBucket() |
public double | getLevel(int bucket) |
public String | getOrgName() |
public List | getOverlappingRefillProjections() |
public ArrayList | getProjSupplyList() |
public ArrayList | getProjWithdrawList() |
public Collection | getProjectWithdrawTasks(int bucket) |
public double | getProjectedDemand(int bucket) |
public Collection | getProjectedDemandTasks(int bucket) |
public double | getProjectionTaskDemand(Task task, int bucket, long start, long end) |
public ArrayList | getRefillProjection(int bucket) |
public ArrayList | getRefillRequisitions() |
public double | getReorderPeriod() |
public int | getStartBucket() |
public long | getStartTime() |
public ArrayList | getSupplyList() |
public String | getSupplyType() |
public ArrayList | getWithdrawList() |
public Collection | getWithdrawTasks(int bucket) |
public void | initialize(long startTime, long oplanEndTime, int criticalLevel, int reorderPeriod, int ost, long bucketSize, long now, boolean logToCSV, InventoryManager parentPlugin) |
public void | logAllToCSVFile(long aCycleStamp) |
protected ShortfallInventory | newShortfallInventory(String invId, String unitOfIssue) |
protected ShortfallPeriod | newShortfallPeriod(long start, long end) |
public void | rebuildCustomerHash() |
public void | recalculateInitialLevel() |
public void | reinitialize(boolean logToCSV, UtilsProvider parentPlugin) |
public void | removeRefillProjection(Task task) |
public void | removeRefillRequisition(Task task) |
public void | removeWithdrawProjection(Task task) Called by SupplyExpander to remove a Withdraw task that has either
been rescinded or changed. |
public void | removeWithdrawRequisition(Task task) |
public void | setArrivalTime(long anArrivalTime) |
protected void | setDeletionBucket(int bucket) Called by all methods which remove tasks from lists. |
public void | setEndOfLevelSixBucket(int bucket) |
public void | setFailuresFlag(boolean value) |
public void | setLevel(int bucket, double value) |
public void | setStartCDay(long startCTime) |
public void | setTarget(int bucket, double value) |
public void | takeSnapshot(Inventory inventory) |
protected double | totalShortfall(List taskList) |
public long | truncateToBucketStart(long aTime) |
public void | updateRefillProjection(Task task) |
public void | updateRefillRequisition(Task task) |
public void | updateWithdrawProjection(Task task) |
public void | updateWithdrawRequisition(Task task) |