| org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILExpanderPluginAdapter org.cougaar.logistics.plugin.trans.TransportExpanderPlugin org.cougaar.logistics.plugin.trans.SeaTransportExpanderPlugin
SeaTransportExpanderPlugin | public class SeaTransportExpanderPlugin extends TransportExpanderPlugin (Code) | | Breaks up incoming tasks into aggregates that are no bigger than the largest carrier asset.
Carrier could be truck, ship, or plane.
CAP_FUDGE | final protected static double CAP_FUDGE(Code) | | |
maxAreaCapacity | protected double maxAreaCapacity(Code) | | |
maxContainerCapacity | protected double maxContainerCapacity(Code) | | |
maxVolumeCapacity | protected double maxVolumeCapacity(Code) | | |
adjustDimensions | protected void adjustDimensions(GLMAsset asset, PhysicalPG originalPhysicalPG, double squareMeters)(Code) | | |
calculateCommonMaxContain | protected void calculateCommonMaxContain(double[] maxcontain)(Code) | | calculates the max contain -- smallest of all seen
expandAggregates | protected void expandAggregates(Task task, Vector subtasks)(Code) | |
expands aggregate assets into truck-sized chunks, putting the
subtasks into subtasks
Rounds the item wt to the same precision as vishnu uses so no disaggreements
about how much a truck can hold.
expandLowFiAsset | protected void expandLowFiAsset(Task task, Vector subtasks)(Code) | |
expands aggregate assets into truck-sized chunks, putting the
subtasks into subtasks
Rounds the item wt to the same precision as vishnu uses so no disaggreements
about how much a truck can hold.
getAssetMaxContain | public double[] getAssetMaxContain(GLMAsset glmasset)(Code) | | calculates max weight, vol, pax for glmasset.
if doesn't have pg or field on pg, slot gets Double.MAX_VALUE.
getItemAreaContribution | public double getItemAreaContribution(GLMAsset itemAsset)(Code) | | gets the contribution each individual item makes to consuming
the capacity of the transport vehicle
Sub classes may want to override this
Parameters: itemAsset - GLMAsset -- the asset of the direct object of the task double of the contribution in TONS |
getItemVolumeContribution | public double getItemVolumeContribution(GLMAsset itemAsset)(Code) | | gets the contribution each individual item makes to consuming
the capacity of the transport vehicle
Sub classes may want to override this
Parameters: itemAsset - -- the asset of the direct object of the task double of the contribution in TONS |
isVehicle | protected boolean isVehicle(GLMAsset asset)(Code) | |
Something is a vehicle if
a) it has a ground vehicle PG OR
b) it has a movability PG with a cargo category code whose
first character is either R or A
true if asset is a vehicle |
resetCapacities | public void resetCapacities()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.cougaar.logistics.plugin.trans.TransportExpanderPlugin | protected void adjustDimensions(GLMAsset asset, PhysicalPG originalPhysicalPG, double tons)(Code)(Java Doc) public void attachPG(Asset asset, PropertyGroup thisPG)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void calculateCommonMaxContain(double[] maxcontain)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void expandAggregates(Task task, Vector subtasks)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void expandLowFi(Task task, Vector subtasks)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void expandLowFiAsset(Task task, Vector subtasks)(Code)(Java Doc) public double[] getAssetMaxContain(GLMAsset glmasset)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getAssetQuantity(AggregateAsset aggAsset)(Code)(Java Doc) protected ForUnitPG getForUnitPG(Asset asset)(Code)(Java Doc) public double getItemContribution(GLMAsset itemAsset)(Code)(Java Doc) protected List getPrunedTaskList(List tasks)(Code)(Java Doc) public Vector getSubtasks(Task task)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Asset getTruckSizedAsset(Asset itemProto, PhysicalPG originalPhysicalPG, String itemID, double contrib)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getUniqueID(Asset boxProto)(Code)(Java Doc) public void handleChangedAssets(Enumeration newAssets)(Code)(Java Doc) public void handleNewAssets(Enumeration newAssets)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean interestingAsset(Asset a)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean interestingTask(Task task)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isSelfPropelled(Task t, Asset directObject)(Code)(Java Doc) public void localSetup()(Code)(Java Doc) Task makeTask(Task parentTask, Asset directObject, ForUnitPG unitPG)(Code)(Java Doc) public void processTasks(java.util.List tasks)(Code)(Java Doc) public void resetCapacities()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setItemPG(Asset newAsset, Asset boxProto)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setupFilters()(Code)(Java Doc) void test()(Code)(Java Doc)