| org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.custom.CustomVishnuAllocatorPlugin org.cougaar.logistics.plugin.trans.TranscomVishnuPlugin org.cougaar.logistics.plugin.trans.TranscomRouterVishnuPlugin
addExpectedProviders | protected void addExpectedProviders()(Code) | | |
createAllocation | protected PlanElement createAllocation(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, double confidence, Role role, double quantity)(Code) | | Creates an allocation or dispostion if the start and end times
violate the preferences.
Has to slightly decrease the quantity
because sometimes allocating with the requested quantity will
yield a score of 1.0.
Parameters: task - task being assigned to asset Parameters: asset - asset handling the task Parameters: start - start of the task Parameters: end - end of the task Parameters: confidence - of the allocation Parameters: role - of the allocation Parameters: quantity - of stuff for the task Allocation or Disposition |
createThreadCallback | protected UTILFilterCallback createThreadCallback(UTILGenericListener bufferingThread)(Code) | |
Callback for input tasks
Provide the callback that is paired with the buffering thread, which is a
listener. The buffering thread is the listener to the callback
Creates an instance of the WorkflowCallback, which means the plugin
is looking for tasks that are part of workflows.
Parameters: bufferingThread - -- the thread the callback informs when there are new input tasks a WorkflowCallback with the buffering thread as its listener |