Method Summary |
public void | addDueInSchedule(Allocation allocation) Add schedule elements from an allocation to the due-ins. |
public void | addRequestedDueInSchedule(Allocation allocation) Add schedule elements from the preferences in the task in the due-in schedule. |
protected TimeSpanSet | checkTimeSpanSet(TimeSpanSet set) |
public void | computeSimulatedProjectionSchedules() |
protected static double | deriveMockDueInQty(Schedule s, long startTime, long endTime, double invQty, double reorderLevel, double goalLevel) |
protected static Vector | extractElementsInTimePeriod(Vector schedule, long startTime, long endTime) |
protected static double | extractFirstQtyInDay(Schedule s, long time) |
protected static double | extractSingleQtyOnTime(Schedule s, long time) |
public Asset | getAsset() |
public String | getAssetName() Get human readable form of the TypeIdentificationPG. |
public Vector | getAverageDemandSchedule() |
public static double | getDailyQty(Rate aRate) |
public Vector | getDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the due-in inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getDueOutLaborSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the due-out (allocated)
schedule for a labor asset. |
public Vector | getDueOutSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the due-out inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getGoalLevelSchedule() |
public Vector | getInactiveDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the inactive due-in inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getInactiveDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getInactiveProjectedDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the projected due-in inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getInactiveProjectedDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getInactiveProjectedRequestedDueInSchedule() Get the projected requested due in schedule. |
public Vector | getInactiveProjectedRequestedDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getInactiveRequestedDueInSchedule() Get the requested due in schedule. |
public Vector | getInactiveRequestedDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getInactiveUnconfirmedDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the due-in inventory for this asset. |
protected Asset | getInsideAsset() |
public Vector | getLaborSchedule() |
public Vector | getOnHandDailySchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the on hand inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getOnHandDetailedSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the on hand inventory for this asset. |
public Vector | getOnHandMockSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the on hand inventory with jaggy ness
in the projection phase for this asset. |
public static double | getPreferenceValue(Task task, int aspect_type) |
public Vector | getProjectedDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the projected due-in inventory for this asset. |
protected int | getProjectedDueOutPeriodDays() |
protected long | getProjectedDueOutPeriodMSecs() |
public Vector | getProjectedDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getProjectedMockDueInSchedule() |
public Vector | getProjectedMockDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getProjectedRequestedDueInSchedule() Get the projected requested due in schedule. |
public Vector | getProjectedRequestedDueOutSchedule() |
public Vector | getProjectedRequestedMockDueInSchedule() |
public Vector | getProjectedRequestedMockDueOutSchedule() |
public static Rate | getProjectionRate(Task task) |
protected static double | getQtySumOnSchedOverTime(Schedule s, long startTime, long endTime) |
public Vector | getReorderLevelSchedule() |
public Vector | getRequestedDueInSchedule() Get the requested due in schedule. |
public Vector | getRequestedDueOutSchedule() |
protected Vector | getSchedule(Vector sched) |
public String | getScheduleType() |
public Vector | getUnconfirmedDueInSchedule() Get the schedule that indicates the due-in inventory for this asset. |
public String | getUnitType() Returns the unit type -- i.e. |
protected void | initializeMockSchedules() |
public static Schedule | makeNonOverlapping(TimeSpanSet inSchedule) |
public void | setAsset(Asset asset) Set asset for this inventory object. |
protected void | setInventoryLevelsSchedules(Inventory inventory) |
protected boolean | validateDataForSimulatedProjections() |