| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.tools.csmart.ui.console.AppServerSupport
AppServerSupport | public class AppServerSupport implements Observer(Code) | | Support for communications with the AppServer (Application Server)
that handles starting and stopping nodes and directing node output
to listeners.
add | public void add(String hostName, int port)(Code) | | Attempt to contact an app server on the host and port.
If successful, get a list of the nodes on that app server
and update the model's node-to-app server mapping.
getUnattachedNodes | public ArrayList getUnattachedNodes()(Code) | | Get the nodes for each app server. If CSMART isn't listening
on the node, then return it as an unattached node.
Returns an array of Strings (node names).
killAllProcesses | public void killAllProcesses()(Code) | | Kill all running processes on all known AppServers.
killListeners | public void killListeners()(Code) | | Get the list of attached nodes and kill their listeners.
Used when detaching from a running society.
refreshAppServers | public void refreshAppServers()(Code) | | Updates both the App Servers and the nodes they control.