Method Summary |
public void | addAppServer(AppServerDesc desc) Called by AppServerSupport to add an app server. |
public void | addGLSWindow() |
public void | addNodeToAppServerMapping(String name, AppServerDesc appServerDesc) Add node to node-to-appServer mapping. |
public void | appServerDelete(AppServerDesc appServerDesc) Delete app server; just remove entries for this app server. |
public void | attachToNode(String name) Attach to a running node. |
public void | createGUI(String nodeName) This is called from the node start thread, when a node
is successfully started. |
public void | detachFromSociety() |
public int | getASPollInterval() |
public AppServerDesc | getAppServer(String name) Get app server description for a node. |
public AppServerDesc | getAppServer(String hostName, int port) Get app server on this host and port. |
public static int | getAppServerPort(Properties properties) |
public ArrayList | getAppServers() Return array list of AppServerDesc of known app servers. |
public ArrayList | getAttachedNodes() Get list of nodes to which CSMART is attached. |
public Experiment | getExperiment() |
public String[] | getGLSContactInfo() |
public Properties | getNodeMinusD(NodeComponent nc, String hostName) Get node -d arguments. |
public NodeModel | getNodeModel(String name) |
public ArrayList | getNodeModels() |
public String | getNotifyCondition() |
public boolean | getNotifyOnStandardError() |
public static Date | getRunStart() |
public String | getSelectedNodeName() Get the name of the node whose status button is selected. |
public ArrayList | getUnattachedNodes() Get list of nodes to which CSMART is not attached. |
public int | getViewSize() Return the view size used for all nodes. |
public File | getXMLFile() |
public boolean | haveAttached() |
public boolean | isCSMARTNull() |
public boolean | isRunnable() |
public void | killAllProcesses() Kill all processes known by all known AppServers,
whether or not we're attached to them. |
public void | refreshAppServers() Refresh app servers; notify AppServerSupport. |
public void | removeNodeModel(String nodeName) This is called from the node start thread, when attaching to a node fails. |
public void | requestAppServerAdd(String hostName, int port) User selected "add app server" menu item or
we're creating a node that specified this app server. |
public void | resetASPoller(int newInterval) Cancel old AppServer poller if any. |
public void | resetNotifyStatus() |
public void | setExperiment(Experiment experiment) Sets an experiment for this model. |
public void | setFilter(ConsoleNodeOutputFilter filter) Set the filter for all the nodes. |
public void | setNotification(String notifyCondition, boolean notifyOnStdErr) |
public void | setRunning(boolean doRun) Start or stop the nodes. |
public void | setSelectedNodeName(String name) Set the name of the node whose status button is selected. |
public void | setViewSize(int size) Set the view size for all the nodes. |
public void | setXMLFile(File selectedFile) |
public void | stopNodes() Tell the node model to stop the node, but the GUIs are not updated
until the ConsoleNodeListener gets a node destroyed message. |
public void | update(Observable o, Object arg) This is an observer on all the node models. |