| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.util.PropertyParser
PropertyParser | abstract public class PropertyParser (Code) | | Utility for parsing Properties values of various types with defaults
See Also: SystemProperties |
Method Summary | |
final public static boolean | getBoolean(Properties props, String prop, boolean def) | final public static boolean | getBoolean(String prop, boolean def) | final public static double | getDouble(Properties props, String prop, double def) | final public static double | getDouble(String prop, double def) | final public static float | getFloat(Properties props, String prop, float def) | final public static float | getFloat(String prop, float def) | final public static int | getInt(Properties props, String prop, int def) | final public static int | getInt(String prop, int def) | final public static long | getLong(Properties props, String prop, long def) | final public static long | getLong(String prop, long def) |
getBoolean | final public static boolean getBoolean(String prop, boolean def)(Code) | | |
getDouble | final public static double getDouble(String prop, double def)(Code) | | |
getFloat | final public static float getFloat(String prop, float def)(Code) | | |
getInt | final public static int getInt(String prop, int def)(Code) | | |
getLong | final public static long getLong(String prop, long def)(Code) | | |