Method Summary |
public int | compareTo(Term that) Compares this term with the one specified for order.
Parameters: that - the term to be compared to. |
public Term | copy() Returns an entierely new copy of this term
javolution.context.AllocatorContext allocated
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). |
public Term | divide(Term that) Return the division of this term with the one specified. |
public boolean | equals(Object obj) Indicates if this term is equal to the object specified.
Parameters: obj - the object to compare for equality. |
Ring | evaluate() Evaluates this term by replacing its
Variablevariables by their current (context-local) values. |
public int | getPower(int index) Returns the power of the variable at the specified position.
Parameters: index - the variable index. |
public int | getPower(Variable> v) Returns the power of the specified variable.
Parameters: v - the variable for which the power is returned. |
public Variable> | getVariable(int index) Returns the variable at the specified index (variables are
lexically ordered).
Parameters: index - the variable index. |
final public int | hashCode() Returns a hash code for this term. |
public int | size() Returns the number of variables for this term. |
public Term | times(Term that) Return the product of this term with the one specified. |
final public String | toString() Returns the text representation of this term as a
java.lang.String . |
public Text | toText() Returns the text representation of this term. |
public static Term | valueOf(Variable> v, int n) Return the term corresponding to the specified variable raised to
the specified power.
Parameters: v - the variable. Parameters: n - the power. |