weka.associations |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
Apriori.java | Class |
Class implementing an Apriori-type algorithm. |
AprioriItemSet.java | Class | Class for storing a set of items. |
Associator.java | Class | Abstract scheme for learning associations. |
AssociatorEvaluation.java | Class | Class for evaluating Associaters. |
CaRuleGeneration.java | Class | Class implementing the rule generation procedure of the predictive apriori algorithm for class association rules.
For association rules in gerneral the method is described in:
T. |
CARuleMiner.java | Interface | Interface for learning class association rules. |
CheckAssociator.java | Class | Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with
associators. |
FilteredAssociator.java | Class |
Class for running an arbitrary associator on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter. |
GeneralizedSequentialPatterns.java | Class |
Class implementing a GSP algorithm for discovering sequential patterns in a sequential data set.
The attribute identifying the distinct data sequences contained in the set can be determined by the respective option. |
ItemSet.java | Class | Class for storing a set of items. |
LabeledItemSet.java | Class | Class for storing a set of items together with a class label. |
PredictiveApriori.java | Class |
Class implementing the predictive apriori algorithm to mine association rules.
It searches with an increasing support threshold for the best 'n' rules concerning a support-based corrected confidence value.
For more information see:
Tobias Scheffer: Finding Association Rules That Trade Support Optimally against Confidence. |
PriorEstimation.java | Class | Class implementing the prior estimattion of the predictive apriori algorithm
for mining association rules. |
RuleGeneration.java | Class | Class implementing the rule generation procedure of the predictive apriori algorithm.
Reference: T. |
RuleItem.java | Class | Class for storing an (class) association rule. |
SingleAssociatorEnhancer.java | Class | Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta
associators that use a single base associator. |
Tertius.java | Class |
Finds rules according to confirmation measure (Tertius-type algorithm).
For more information see:
P. |